Is It Important To Prepare When You Want To Sell Your Ideas?
Although it may seem like the right thing to do to run and share a new idea with everyone, you may want to consider being more strategic about the conversations. This is especially true knowing that you really only have 7 seconds to make a good impression according to a Harvard Business School Study on Communications. If you don’t make a good impression then you will need to meet with them 7 more times to reverse that initial first impression! This type of information helps you see how important it is to plan out your communication and presentation before you get caught up in the moment and risk creating a perception that is negative.
What are the benefits of having these conversations? The first benefit is that you will be able to get additional feedback to ensure that you have thought of everything that should be included or excluded. This is instrumental to help you adjust things if needed and make your idea even better than it was before. It does put you in a vulnerable position to show others your idea and be open to their feedback. What if they hate it or think it will never work? Asking the right questions to gain their feedback can help you look at it differently and make changes that can make it more feasible. The feedback may also make it apparent that you have to go back to the drawing board and start over, but it is better to get that kind of feedback from a few people instead of a senior level audience.
The second benefit to showing your idea to people is that you will gain alignment and advocacy. In larger organizations, it is sometimes necessary to do more alignment and communication with people in order to be able to move forward. Identify some key stakeholders that really will be impacted by this idea and those who have the ear of the decision makers in the group. These may be people like your direct manager, peers or other funding and strategy decision makers. This is really invaluable as they are like a mini-salesforce for you. They can help you sell your idea more broadly and to influence others in the organization who may initially pushback on it.
The last benefit to taking this approach is that it increases your credibility and creates the positive perception that shows that you are being strategic and planning out conversations with intention. You may only get one shot at this type of presentation and you don’t want to blow it, because you are acting impulsively. Going through this review process will give you the confidence that you have a really robust idea with buy in and support from team members who have the credibility that you need to move it forward. Having alliances like these in your corner when you go in for a big pitch ensures you will have a much higher level of success.
Susan M Barber, President of Susan M Barber Coaching & Consulting, LLC, works with individuals, teams and organizations to build skills that leaders need to attain breakthrough results. Her passion for coaching and leadership development is driven by seeing the transformation of leaders as they reach far beyond their own ideas of success. She continues to drive custom programs for groups that want to make changes in their careers to become more powerful leaders.
She is a connector who naturally builds community through her Creating Leadership Connections Blog and Facebook Group to add value and inspire leaders to reach new possibilities. You can also follow her on Twitter
Originally published at on March 1, 2018.