Have You Gone As Far As You Can Go In Your Career?
Have you ever been given the feedback that you may have gone as far as you can go in your career? This can happen to someone when they get really close to attaining something that they want and then they sabotage it. Why would someone do that?
Most people probably don’t even realize that they are doing it. They are pushed out of their comfort zone which makes them feel too uncomfortable or they have a fear of the success if they get what they want. This causes them to hold themselves back and then they get stuck. They play small because they feel like they are impostors and they don’t deserve the good things that are happening for them.
They compare themselves to others and find excuses why those people are better. They discount the good things that they have already done and convince themselves that they aren’t ready or that they don’t have all the qualifications. All of these excuses are limitations that they are placing on themselves to keep them safe and comfortable.
Does any of this sound familiar to you? Are you holding yourself back from the successes that you could be having in your career and your life?
Spend some time reflecting on this to understand what is driving that fear for you. Acknowledge that you may be feeling insecure. Ask yourself if that feeling is true or just a story you may be telling yourself. Find a mentor, coach or friend that can help you through this challenge. Don’t let this define you.
You have so much more potential than you may be giving yourself credit for, so don’t place this limitation on yourself,. Break through this barrier and realize your potential. Don’t ever doubt that you deserve this success for yourself.
If you’re ready to push past your fear and take your career and life to its fullest potential, contact Susan M. Barber Coaching and Consulting.